Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Why the Swiss Have a Good Shot at the World Cup

For football, I'd do anything, and I mean soccer, of course. Even this:
Zigarrenbaron und Fussballfreaks on Blick Online. For more info about the movie project "The Kick - NYC", write to me, any input, sponsoring ideas and alliances are welcome. It's little known, but a fact, that for some reason many Swiss were involved in the beginning of building up national and then international leagues and tournaments. FC St. Gall, for example is the oldest Soccer Club on the continental Europe. Or ask Peter Brunschweiler about South Africa. Also in our little team in NYC, the Swiss are overrepresented with about a fourth of all members. So if it runs deep through the Swiss soul, even abroad, to pass that ball, why shouldn't they have a fair change to go somewhere during the World Cup this summer in Germany?


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